Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Reflection: On PeeP

The value of this project is that it will put a smile on both of my grand-parents. Also instead of buying a present for them I made them one. I still like being a kid and making presents for family. I also love christmas so this is the perfect time give them a specially made card just for them.

Some techniques I used to complete my project is frist by using the gradient tool and changing the colors to green and red for a christmas feel. Then to show the snow I used the paintbrush shaped like a snowflake. On the red part of the gradient I used green snowflakes and on the green part I used red snowflakes. The change of the colors is so that you can see the snowflakes. Green on green and red on red is hard to see. Then I used a one of my grand-parents favorite pictures to make it more custom for them. I deleted most of the blue back ground but with out losing the square shape of the picture and without cutting off my grandpa's head. Then to make the picture look more festive I used the fuzzball paintbrush to outline the picture in a silver color the look like garland. To make it have more effect I used the small starburst paintbrush so that it looked like it sparkled like real garland. Then I add text "Merry Christmas, grandpa and grandma!!" but I could hardly read it so I added an effect which was called outerglow. I still didn't like it so I when in to its meun and turned up the noise to 100%. This gave the words a snowy look to fit the christmas theme.

The impression I got from my result is that I really love it, im very proud of what I made. My favorite part of my project is the background. I really like the snowflakes it makes it feel like christmas. But I am very proud of my finished product. It look just like I wanted it to.

Monday, November 30, 2009

1. why you chose the project you did 2. the processes you used to achieve the "treasure" 3. your impression of the results you got from your efforts.

I chose this project because I wanted to get the hand out of my cousin Josh's head. I had not noticed it before until I did this project. I have look at this picture many times and it still surprises me that I never noticed the hand before. Some of the processes I used to get my treasure was to use the magnetic lasso to delete the hand coming out of my cousin's head. Then I used the clone stamp to fill in the spot where the hand use to be. Then the next step was to fix the pole to the seat swing. I also used the clone stamp to fix the pole. Then there was dust particles which I used the brush tool to cover them up and to cover up the part of shrit about my cousin's head. Then I used the clone stamp to fix the part of chair behind my seat swing. The final thing I did was use the patch tool to cover up the big green vein poping out the side of my cousin's eye. The inpression I got from my results is that I really like them. The things I did to it made the picture much better in my opinion.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Discuss one part of web design that you like and one that you don't like.

One thing in web design that I liked was how you can make a CSS rule/code for color and font, then place it on what ever you want to be that color and font. This way you don't have to put the code in for each thing that you want to be be that code. This I thought made it easier to make the site without wasting all your time on color and font. One thing I didn't like about web design was making all the folders for the site you were making. The path folders are what confused me and it was hard for me to understand why I had to have them. Also when I had first started the site I didn't if i had all my folders in the right places. This was the only confusing part to me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How does your design reflect/represent you?

My design reflects me because it's not perfect and nor am I. Green and purple are my favorite colors mixed together, the black is there to blance out the two colors. Squares are my favorite shape because you can do many things with a square like turning it on its side to make it look like a diamond (like I did in my design). The white lines that look like a light coming out of the square (diamond) makes it look like its bright and I feel like that all the time (haha). My design has mostly everything that I like, this is why it reflects me.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Reflection: Write a proposal to Whispers selling your design.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for taking a look at my design that I created using Photoshop.

I chose the light blue Mustang to represent Antonio's Dream Cars because the blue sets the mood of laid back and cool. The dark blue sky helps the Mustang pop a little because if you put a light color with a dark color it makes the light color more appealing. The desert type sand dunes give a sense of "in the wild". This contrasts with the moon to help give the sense of freedom with no limits because night appeals more to the younger generation then the day. The rottweiler brings out the wild, the cool, and the freedom that can come with the Mustang.

I appreciate you considering my design for Antonio's Dream Cars to be choosen and placed in Whispers magazine.


Crystal Pinley

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reflection On: Which is your favorite Photoshop selection tool? Why?

My favortie photo shop tool is the magnetic lasso. I think is fun to use because i clings to what u want. Also because its hard to trace it, which is fun to me. I did mess up some times so i had to trace it again which was better because it was easier to get what i wanted. When i used it, it was very helpful to get just to object i wanted and not the whole picture. I think that if we use adobe photoshop again, in this way, i will use that tool again.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Reflection On: PhotoStory "This is Me"

The hardest part about putting the "This is Me" project together was how i was going to tell my story and picking the pictures. Picking the pictures was hard because i wanted non-embarrassing ones. That was hard to do because most of my baby pictures are embarrssing. How i was going to tell my story was hard too because that effected what pictures i picked. Also how i told my story shows the people watching it who i am, and thats some what important. By both of these things being hard it made it easier to put my story in the way i see it.