Monday, November 30, 2009

1. why you chose the project you did 2. the processes you used to achieve the "treasure" 3. your impression of the results you got from your efforts.

I chose this project because I wanted to get the hand out of my cousin Josh's head. I had not noticed it before until I did this project. I have look at this picture many times and it still surprises me that I never noticed the hand before. Some of the processes I used to get my treasure was to use the magnetic lasso to delete the hand coming out of my cousin's head. Then I used the clone stamp to fill in the spot where the hand use to be. Then the next step was to fix the pole to the seat swing. I also used the clone stamp to fix the pole. Then there was dust particles which I used the brush tool to cover them up and to cover up the part of shrit about my cousin's head. Then I used the clone stamp to fix the part of chair behind my seat swing. The final thing I did was use the patch tool to cover up the big green vein poping out the side of my cousin's eye. The inpression I got from my results is that I really like them. The things I did to it made the picture much better in my opinion.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Discuss one part of web design that you like and one that you don't like.

One thing in web design that I liked was how you can make a CSS rule/code for color and font, then place it on what ever you want to be that color and font. This way you don't have to put the code in for each thing that you want to be be that code. This I thought made it easier to make the site without wasting all your time on color and font. One thing I didn't like about web design was making all the folders for the site you were making. The path folders are what confused me and it was hard for me to understand why I had to have them. Also when I had first started the site I didn't if i had all my folders in the right places. This was the only confusing part to me.